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how to avoid a new line with p tag?





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How do I make my P tag not break the line?

The <p> paragraph tag is meant for specifying paragraphs of text. If you don't want the text to start on a new line, I would suggest you're using the <p> tag incorrectly. Perhaps the <span> tag more closely fits what you want to achieve...? This should be the accepted answer.

Does P tag create a new line?

The p tag in HTML represents a paragraph. It is a block-level element which means that the text which is present inside the paragraph tag is considered as a block and it takes up the full width available. By default, the browser applies a line break before and after the p tag to separate the paragraphs.

How do you stop going to the next line in HTML?

There are several ways to prevent line breaks in content. Using &nbsp; is one way, and works fine between words, but using it between an empty element and some text does not have a well-defined effect. The same would apply to the more logical and more accessible approach where you use an image for an icon.

How do I display P tags on the same line?

The idea of the tag <p></p> is to display a paragraph. So HTML offers you the <div></div> which is a container conecpt. So you should use Salman A's Solution, because there aren't just different tags in html for no reason.

Use the display: inline CSS property.

Ideal: In the stylesheet:

#container p { display: inline }

Bad/Extreme situation: Inline:

<p style="display:inline">...</p>

The <p> paragraph tag is meant for specifying paragraphs of text. If you don't want the text to start on a new line, I would suggest you're using the <p> tag incorrectly. Perhaps the <span> tag more closely fits what you want to achieve...?

I came across this for css

span, p{overflow:hidden; white-space: nowrap;}

via similar stackoverflow question

something like:


in your stylesheet would do it for all p tags.