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How to async await in react render function?

I am pretty much familiar with the async await but with back end nodejs. But there is a scenario came across to me where I have to use it on front end.

I am getting array of objects and in that objects I am getting lat lng of the places. Now using react-geocode I can get the place name for a single lat lng but I want to use that inside the map function to get the places names. SO as we know it async call I have to use async await over there.

Here is the code

import Geocode from "react-geocode";
render = async() => {
  const {
  } = this.props   
  return (
        await Promise.all(_.get(this.props, 'getCompanyUserRidesData', []).map(async(userRides,index) => {
          const address = await Geocode.fromLatLng(22.685131,75.873468)
         return ( 
          <tr key={index}>
            <td>{_.get(userRides,'driverId.email', '')}</td>
            <td>{_.get(userRides,'driverId.mobile', '')}</td>

But when I use async with the map function here it doesn't return anything. Can anyone please help me where I going wrong?

like image 254
Profer Avatar asked Dec 17 '18 17:12


People also ask

Can async React to render function?

With Suspense, you have the ability to suspend component rendering while async data is being loaded. You can pause any state update until the data is ready, and you can add async loading to any component deep in the tree without plumbing all the props and state through your app and hoisting the logic.

Can I use async await inside useEffect?

Either way, we're now safe to use async functions inside useEffect hooks. Now if/when you want to return a cleanup function, it will get called and we also keep useEffect nice and clean and free from race conditions. Enjoy using async functions with React's useEffect from here on out!

2 Answers

You should always separate concerns like fetching data from concerns like displaying it. Here there's a parent component that fetches the data via AJAX and then conditionally renders a pure functional child component when the data comes in.

class ParentThatFetches extends React.Component {
  constructor () {
    this.state = {};

  componentDidMount () {
      .then(resp => resp.json())
      .then(data => this.setState({data}));

  render () {
    {this.state.data && (
      <Child data={this.state.data} />

const Child = ({data}) => (
    {data.map((x, i) => (<td key={i}>{x}</td>))}

I didn't actually run it so their may be some minor errors, and if your data records have unique ids you should use those for the key attribute instead of the array index, but you get the jist.


Same thing but simpler and shorter using hooks:

const ParentThatFetches = () => {
  const [data, updateData] = useState();
  useEffect(() => {
    const getData = async () => {
      const resp = await fetch('some/url');
      const json = await resp.json()
  }, []);

  return data && <Child data={data} />
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Jared Smith Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10

Jared Smith

With the wrapper function below, delayed_render(), you can write asynchronous code inside a React component function:

function delayed_render(async_fun, deps=[]) {
    const [output, setOutput] = useState()
    useEffect(async () => setOutput(await async_fun()), deps)
    return (output === undefined) ? null : output

This wrapper performs delayed rendering: it returns null on initial rendering attempt (to skip rendering of this particular component), then asynchronously calculates (useEffect()) the proper rendering output through a given async_fun() and invokes re-rendering to inject the final result to the DOM. The use of this wrapper is as simple as:

function Component(props) {
    return delayed_render(async () => { /* any rendering code with awaits... */ })

For example:

function Component(props) {
    return delayed_render(async () => {
        const resp = await fetch(props.targetURL)     // await here is OK!
        const json = await resp.json()
        return <Child data={json} />

UPDATE: added the deps argument. If your async_fun depends on props or state variables, all of them must be listed in deps to allow re-rendering. Note that passing deps=null (always re-render) is not an option here, because the output is a state variable, too, and would be implicitly included in dependencies, which would cause infinite re-rendering after the async_fun call completes.

This solution was inspired by, and is a generalization of, the Jared Smith's one.

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Marcin Wojnarski Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10

Marcin Wojnarski