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How to Assign value with ng-change in angular js

I have simple drop-down bind with angular model

<select ui-select2="{allowClear:true}" ng-model="product.Id" ng-change="{value = product.Id == 0}" data-placeholder="Select Warranty">
      <option ng-repeat="product in products" value="{{product.Id}}">{{product.Code}}</option>

How i can assign value depending on some condition in ng-change?

like image 734
Shivkumar Avatar asked Sep 30 '13 08:09


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How do you use NG bind?

Definition and UsageThe ng-bind directive tells AngularJS to replace the content of an HTML element with the value of a given variable, or expression. If the value of the given variable, or expression, changes, the content of the specified HTML element will be changed as well.

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1 Answers

Your selected value is defined as ng-model. On ng-change you can call a method from the controller and provide the "selected" ng-model to this method.

Here is an example:

        ng-options="filter as filter.name for filter in groupList"


$scope.changeItem = function(iem){


As a side note, I would use ng-options instead of <option ng-repeat.....

like image 59
Maxim Shoustin Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 19:11

Maxim Shoustin