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How to approve a new version in App store connect


How can i approve a new version in App store connect? I mean, i already have a first version of the mobile app available on apple store, but now i want to publish a new version.

what i already did was upload it through Xcode -> archive and then in appstoreconnect.apple.com going to TestFlight tag to see there the compilations and it says there are "Missing export compliance" i clicked and said "yes" and "yes" again.

Even doing that the the new version it's still not publish but it says its ready to send, what more do i have to do? I can't find the place to do that.

like image 795
Nmaster88 Avatar asked Jul 09 '18 10:07


Video Answer

1 Answers

Your build is uploaded on the test flight but not in the app store. For publishing to app store, follow along

You have to make a new version of the app in appstoreconnectmake new version

just click on the plus button and click on iOS

Enter new version number. you will now prepare this version for publishing

  • Select the latest build in the build section.
  • Add what's new content in the what's new section
  • Save and submit for review
like image 113
Awais Fayyaz Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09

Awais Fayyaz