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How to apply Filtering on groupBy in java streams

How do you group first and then apply filtering using Java streams?

Example: Consider this Employee class: I want to group by Department with a list of an employee having a salary greater than 2000.

public class Employee {     private String department;     private Integer salary;     private String name;      //getter and setter      public Employee(String department, Integer salary, String name) {         this.department = department;         this.salary = salary;         this.name = name;     } }    

This is how I can do this

List<Employee> list   = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(new Employee("A", 5000, "A1")); list.add(new Employee("B", 1000, "B1")); list.add(new Employee("C", 6000, "C1")); list.add(new Employee("C", 7000, "C2"));  Map<String, List<Employee>> collect = list.stream()     .filter(e -> e.getSalary() > 2000)     .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Employee::getDepartment));   


{A=[Employee [department=A, salary=5000, name=A1]],  C=[Employee [department=C, salary=6000, name=C1], Employee [department=C, salary=7000, name=C2]]} 

As there are no employees in Department B with a salary greater than 2000. So there is no key for Department B: But actually, I want to have that key with empty list –

Expected output

{A=[Employee [department=A, salary=5000, name=A1]],  B=[],  C=[Employee [department=C, salary=6000, name=C1], Employee [department=C, salary=7000, name=C2]]} 

How can we do this?

like image 498
Niraj Sonawane Avatar asked Jan 16 '18 02:01

Niraj Sonawane

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1. Overview. In this tutorial, We'll learn how to utilise stream filter() with several filter conditions (can be more than one condition). Normally, we apply a single condition to streams using filter() method with lambda and then store the results in Lists or Sets.

How do I apply a filter in Java?

Java stream provides a method filter() to filter stream elements on the basis of given predicate. Suppose you want to get only even elements of your list then you can do this easily with the help of filter method. This method takes predicate as an argument and returns a stream of consisting of resulted elements.

What is filtered stream in Java?

The java.io package provides a set of abstract classes that define and partially implement filter streams. A filter stream filters data as it's being read from or written to the stream. The filter streams are FilterInputStream or FilterOutputStream , FilterInputStream , and FilterOutputStream. .

How do you use Groupby in Java?

The groupingBy() method of Collectors class in Java are used for grouping objects by some property and storing results in a Map instance. In order to use it, we always need to specify a property by which the grouping would be performed. This method provides similar functionality to SQL's GROUP BY clause.

1 Answers

You can make use of the Collectors.filtering API introduced since Java-9 for this:

Map<String, List<Employee>> output = list.stream()             .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Employee::getDepartment,                     Collectors.filtering(e -> e.getSalary() > 2000, Collectors.toList()))); 

Important from the API note :

  • The filtering() collectors are most useful when used in a multi-level reduction, such as downstream of a groupingBy or partitioningBy.

  • A filtering collector differs from a stream's filter() operation.

like image 136
Naman Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
