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How to apply css to iframe content? [closed]




I am unable to get CSS generated content to work for iframe elements:

iframe::after {content: 'example';}
iframe::before {content: 'example';}

Does anyone have a solution that actually works? Thanks in advance.

like image 859
boruchsiper Avatar asked Sep 15 '10 05:09


2 Answers

You can use jQuery's .content() function to access it.

    opacity: 0,
    color: 'purple'


Here's an example showing me applying css to the jQuery logo typically found in the top left of the screen. Mind you, it has to be same domain/ports etc, so that's why my example features jsfiddle in the iframe.

like image 143
Robert Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10


Is the iframe dynamically created, or is it something that is mostly static (light a iframe used for lightbox effect).

If it is static, you can simply use style tags inside the iframe markup, or better yet include an external stylesheet by linking to it in the iframe markup.

If it is dynamic, you are best off using the jQuery JavaScript library as it is exceptionally good for handling CSS.

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Moses Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10
