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Get all css root variables in array using javascript and change the values

I am using css root variables in my project for dynamically changing the colors of all elements anytime.

My css looks like


used in css

.contentCss {
  background-color: var(--primaryColor);

I can access variable in javascript as follows to change value dynamically

document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--primaryColor', 'green');

It works fine. I want to get all variables inside an array and according to that change the values of each variable dynamically.

like image 913
Nadeem Mohammed Avatar asked Feb 13 '18 05:02

Nadeem Mohammed

2 Answers

this script will return an array of root variables in all stylesheets, served from the domain. Out of domain stylesheets are not accessible due to CORS policies.

    sheet =>
      sheet.href === null || sheet.href.startsWith(window.location.origin)
    (acc, sheet) =>
      (acc = [
          (def, rule) =>
            (def =
              rule.selectorText === ":root"
                ? [
                    ...Array.from(rule.style).filter(name =>
                : def),

Note: a root: rule in a lower order stylesheet will override a parent root rule.

like image 125
tnt-rox Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10


I needed a similar solution today. Here's a quick one on codepen.

// could pass in an array of specific stylesheets for optimization
function getAllCSSVariableNames(styleSheets = document.styleSheets){
   var cssVars = [];
   // loop each stylesheet
   for(var i = 0; i < styleSheets.length; i++){
      // loop stylesheet's cssRules
      try{ // try/catch used because 'hasOwnProperty' doesn't work
         for( var j = 0; j < styleSheets[i].cssRules.length; j++){
               // loop stylesheet's cssRules' style (property names)
               for(var k = 0; k < styleSheets[i].cssRules[j].style.length; k++){
                  let name = styleSheets[i].cssRules[j].style[k];
                  // test name for css variable signiture and uniqueness
                  if(name.startsWith('--') && cssVars.indexOf(name) == -1){
            } catch (error) {}
      } catch (error) {}
   return cssVars;

function getElementCSSVariables (allCSSVars, element = document.body, pseudo){
   var elStyles = window.getComputedStyle(element, pseudo);
   var cssVars = {};
   for(var i = 0; i < allCSSVars.length; i++){
      let key = allCSSVars[i];
      let value = elStyles.getPropertyValue(key)
      if(value){cssVars[key] = value;}
   return cssVars;

var cssVars = getAllCSSVariableNames();
console.log(':root variables', getElementCSSVariables(cssVars, document.documentElement));
like image 36
taysim Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10
