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How to append or combine Ranges?




Im doing an app with Excel VBA and I need to copy some ranges from different Worksheet in a variable.
All the ranges have the same number of columms but different number of rows. I was thinking on making like a matrix. Just append the UsedRange from every Sheet one down the other... but no way

For i = 1 To wbDataFile.Sheets.Count

    Set wsCPDataFile = wbDataFile.Sheets(wbDataFile.Sheets(i).Name)
    If Not DataRng Is Nothing Then
        Set DataRng=  DataRng (Append??)
    ' the first valid cell becomes rng2
        Set DataRng = wsCPDataFile.UsedRange
    End If

Next I
Data = DataRng
like image 966
Mir Avatar asked Aug 21 '14 08:08


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Combining same ranges from multiple sheets - 3D formulaClick the tab of the first worksheet. While holding the Shift key, click the tab of the last worksheet. Select the range that you want to combine in all of the sheets. Type the closing parenthesis and press the Enter key.

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Click the first cell and press Shift while you click the last cell in the range you want to merge. Important: Make sure only one of the cells in the range has data. Click Home > Merge & Center. If Merge & Center is dimmed, make sure you're not editing a cell or the cells you want to merge aren't inside a table.

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When writing formulas we sometimes need to create references to multiple cells or ranges. One quick way to do this is by holding the Ctrl key and then selecting the cells or ranges. Excel will automatically add the commas between the range references in the formula.

How do I append in Excel?

To do an intermediate append, select the arrow next to the command, and then select Append Queries as New. The Append dialog box appears. Decide the number of tables you want to append: Select Two tables, and then select the second table in the drop down list box to append.

1 Answers

Use Union. Like so:

Sub jzz()
Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Range("A1")

Set rng = Union(rng, Range("A2"))

End Sub
like image 190
Jzz Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
