I would like to be able to easily change cells value (constants, not formulas) with a mouse only, without typing new value with a keyboard.
Such a scrollbar would allow users to observe dynamically what happens with other formulas and charts.
After clicking on a cell which contains a value, some scrollbar (or other device) shows up below the cell (or right to the cell). It would be possible to change the value of the cell with mouse only using this device. It should be possible to define the min and max values of the scrollbar. If not defined the min and max values should be assumed as i.e. 30% (min) and 170% (max) of the current value. When clicking on another cell the "old" scrollbar disappears and a new one shows up below the clicked cell. There should be a possibility to define cell for which scrollbar shows up (for other cells it would not).
I need something else than ordinary Excel scrollbar which changes ONLY ONE cell's value and I do not want to have hundred of scrollbars scattered all over my sheet.
From my research I found out that I can set up events in the worksheet or workbook that will respond to a cell being selected. I can check whether that cell is one that is allowed to display the scrollbar. If so, I can have my code either create a new scrollbar, or make an existing one visible, and locate the scrollbar below the active cell. Changing the scrollbar could affect the cell's value. Some control over how the value changes is needed, to avoid values with 15 decimal digits. When the cell is deselected, the scrollbar can be destroyed, or hidden until its next use.
I have submitted an answer to my question. Now I look forward to improving the speed of my tool.
Here are some follow up proposals of improving the performance of my tool
In this solution the Workbook
and ScrollBar
are bound together into one class ScrollValue
. In Workbook_Open
event handler the instance of this class is created.
' ------------------------------------
' ThisWorkbook class module
' ------------------------------------
Option Explicit
Public ScrollValueWidget As ScrollValue
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set ScrollValueWidget = New ScrollValue
ScrollValueWidget.Max = 1000
ScrollValueWidget.Min = 0
ScrollValueWidget.Address = "C3:D10"
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Set ScrollValueWidget = Nothing
End Sub
class takes care of the ScrollBar
and it handles SheetSelectionChange
event for all the sheets in workbook in one place. After cell has changed the scroll bar is shown and linked to the changed cell. Scroll bar becomes min and max limits. Value of scroll bar is automatically set acording to target cell value. If the actual cell value exceeds the min-max range a warning is shown.
class uses a OLEObjects
collection. For each sheet it has its own scroll bar. So for each sheet only one scroll bar exists at a time.
Note: the value of ScrollBars Value
property can't be negative. Set the instancing property of class ScrollValue
to PublicNotCreatable
' ------------------------------------
' ScrollValue class module
' ------------------------------------
Option Explicit
Private minValue As Long
Private maxValue As Long
Private applyToAddress As String
Private WithEvents book As Workbook
Private scroll As OLEObject
Private scrolls As ScrollBars
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set book = ThisWorkbook
Set scrolls = New ScrollBars
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set scrolls = Nothing
Set book = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub book_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
On Error GoTo ErrSheetSelectionChange
Set scroll = scrolls.GetOrCreate(Sh) ' Get scroll for targer sheet
Move Target ' Move scroll to new target cell
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub
Private Sub Move(targetRange As Range)
' Do not handle scroll for cells with formulas, not numeric or negative values
If targetRange.HasFormula Then _
Exit Sub
If Not IsNumeric(targetRange.Value) Then _
Exit Sub
If targetRange.Value < 0 Then _
Exit Sub
If Application.Intersect(targetRange, ApplyToRange(targetRange.Worksheet)) Is Nothing Then _
Exit Sub
' TODO: add code to handle when min/max not defined
On Error GoTo ErrMove
' Move scroll to new target cell and show it
With scroll
.Top = targetRange.Top
.Left = targetRange.Left + targetRange.Width + 2
.Object.Min = Min
.Object.Max = Max
.LinkedCell = targetRange.Address
.Visible = True
End With
Exit Sub
Dim errMsg As String
errMsg = "Max = " & Max & " Min = " & Min & " Cell value = " & targetRange.Value & " must be between <Min, Max>." & Err.Description
MsgBox errMsg, vbExclamation, "Scroll failed to show"
End Sub
Public Property Get Min() As Long
Min = minValue
End Property
Public Property Let Min(ByVal newMin As Long)
If newMin < 0 Then _
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, "ScrollValue", "Min value musn't be less then zero"
If newMin > maxValue Then _
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 2, "ScrollValue", "Min value musn't be greater then max value"
minValue = newMin
End Property
Public Property Get Max() As Long
Max = maxValue
End Property
Public Property Let Max(ByVal newMax As Long)
If newMax < 0 Then _
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 3, "ScrollValue", "Max value musn't be less then zero"
If newMax < minValue Then _
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 4, "ScrollValue", "Max value musn't be less then min value"
maxValue = newMax
End Property
Public Property Let Address(ByVal newAdress As String)
If newAdress = "" Then _
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 5, "ScrollValue", "Range address musn't be empty string"
applyToAddress = newAdress
End Property
Public Property Get Address() As String
Address = applyToAddress
End Property
Private Property Get ApplyToRange(ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As Range
' defines cell(s) for which scrollbar shows up
Set ApplyToRange = targetSheet.Range(Address)
End Property
Public Sub DeleteScrollBars()
End Sub
' ------------------------------------
' ScrollBars class module
' ------------------------------------
Option Explicit
Private Const scrollNamePrefix As String = "ScrollWidget"
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub
Private Function ScrollNameBySheet(ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As String
ScrollNameBySheet = scrollNamePrefix & targetSheet.name
End Function
Public Function GetOrCreate(ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As OLEObject
Dim scroll As OLEObject
Dim scrollName As String
scrollName = ScrollNameBySheet(targetSheet)
On Error Resume Next
Set scroll = targetSheet.OLEObjects(scrollName)
On Error GoTo 0
If scroll Is Nothing Then
Set scroll = targetSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.ScrollBar.1", _
Left:=0, Top:=0, Width:=250, Height:=16)
scroll.name = scrollName
scroll.AutoLoad = True
scroll.Object.Orientation = fmOrientationHorizontal
scroll.Object.BackColor = &H808080
scroll.Object.ForeColor = &HFFFFFF
End If
scroll.Enabled = True
scroll.Locked = False
scroll.LinkedCell = ""
scroll.Visible = False
Set GetOrCreate = scroll
End Function
Public Sub DelateAll()
' Deletes all scroll bars on all sheets if its name beginns with scrollNamePrefix
Dim scrollItem As OLEObject
Dim Sh As Worksheet
For Each Sh In Worksheets
For Each scrollItem In Sh.OLEObjects
If scrollItem.name Like scrollNamePrefix & "*" Then
scrollItem.Locked = False
End If
Next scrollItem
Next Sh
End Sub
Watch ScrollValue in action: youtube video
This is complete tool
You can download the scrollbar.xlsm file here:
It is two years after I posted the question. I have come up with the following solution. I have not shared it before in order to get fresh concepts of tackling the problem. In my experience the feature of changing cell value with a mouse arouse sometimes more impression on the audience than complex models and calculations in the sheet :-)
Put this code in your sheet where you want the scrollbars to appear. The name of your sheet does not matter. Right click on the sheet's name and then click View Code
. This is the place:
Insert there this code:
Option Explicit
Dim previousRow, c
Const scrlName As String = "scrlSh" ' the name of the scrollbar
Private Sub scrlSh_GotFocus()
ActiveSheet.Range(ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(scrlName).TopLeftCell.Offset(0, -1).Address).Activate
End Sub
Private Sub scrlSh_Scroll()
Dim rngCell As Range
Set rngCell = Sheets("Param").Range(ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(scrlName).LinkedCell)
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(scrlName).TopLeftCell.Offset(0, -1).Value = _
rngCell.Offset(0, 1).Value + (ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(scrlName).Object.Value * rngCell.Offset(0, 3).Value)
Set rngCell = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
' Macro concept by Przemyslaw Remin, VBA code written by Jaroslaw Smolinski
' The Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange and function SearchAdr have to be on each sheet where scrollbars are to appear
' Sheet Param is one for all sheets, only the columns A-G are used, othre columns can be used for something else
' Do not change the layout of A-G columns unless you want to modify the code
' Addresses in Param have to be with dollars (i.e. $A$3) or it may be named ranges of single cells
' (if it starts with $ it is a cell, otherwise it is a named range)
' the lower or upper case in addresses does not matter
Dim SheetFly As String, adr As String
Dim cCell As Range
Dim actSheet As Worksheet
Dim shScroll As Object
Set actSheet = ActiveSheet
' checks if scrollbar exists
If actSheet.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
For Each shScroll In actSheet.Shapes
If shScroll.Type = msoOLEControlObject And shScroll.Name = scrlName Then
Exit For ' scrollbar found, and the variable is set
End If
Next shScroll
End If
' if scrollbar does not exists then it is created
If shScroll Is Nothing Then
Set shScroll = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.ScrollBar.1", Link:=False, _
DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=0, Top:=0, Width:=64 * 3, Height:=15)
' scrollbar length is set as three adjesent columns
shScroll.Visible = False
shScroll.Name = scrlName
shScroll.Placement = xlMoveAndSize
End If
shScroll.Visible = False
adr = Target.AddressLocal
SheetFly = actSheet.Name
' here we set up in which cells the scrollbar has to appear. We set up only the number of rows
Set cCell = SearchAdr(SheetFly, adr, Sheets("Param").Range("B2:B40")) ' If needed it can be longer i.e. B2:B400
If Not cCell Is Nothing Then
With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(scrlName)
.LinkedCell = "" ' temporary turn off of the link to the cell to avoid stange behaviour
.Object.Min = 0 ' the scale begins from 0, not negative
.Object.Max = Abs((cCell.Offset(0, 4).Value - cCell.Offset(0, 3).Value) / cCell.Offset(0, 5).Value)
.Object.SmallChange = 10 ' single change by one step
.Object.LargeChange = 10 ' change by jumps after clicking on scrollbar bar ("page up", "page down")
If Target.Value <> cCell.Offset(0, 2).Value And Target.Value >= cCell.Offset(0, 3).Value And Target.Value <= cCell.Offset(0, 4).Value Then
' setting up the cells value as close as possible to the value of input by hand
' rounded by step
' if value is out of defined range then the last value will be used
cCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = Abs((Target.Value - cCell.Offset(0, 3).Value) / cCell.Offset(0, 5).Value)
End If
'Protection in case the value is out of min and max range
If cCell.Offset(0, 2).Value > .Object.Max Then
cCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = .Object.Max
ElseIf cCell.Offset(0, 2).Value < .Object.Min Then
cCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = .Object.Min
End If
Target.Value = cCell.Offset(0, 3).Value + (cCell.Offset(0, 5).Value * cCell.Offset(0, 2).Value)
.Object.Value = cCell.Offset(0, 2).Value
.LinkedCell = "Param!" & cCell.Offset(0, 2).Address 'setting up linked cell
End With
' Setting up the position and width of scrollbar with reference to the cell
shScroll.Top = Target.Top
shScroll.Left = Target.Offset(0, 1).Left + 2 'position to the right + small margin
shScroll.Width = Target.Offset(0, 5).Left - Target.Offset(0, 1).Left - 2 'width of 5 columns
shScroll.Visible = True
End If
Set actSheet = Nothing
Set shScroll = Nothing
Set cCell = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function SearchAdr(SheetFly As String, kom As String, rng As Range) As Range
Dim cCell As Range
Dim oOOo As Name
' Searching for the row with parameter for chosen cell
' The parameter have to be in one, continouse range
For Each cCell In rng
If cCell.Text = "" Then ' check if parameters have not finished
Set SearchAdr = Nothing
Exit Function ' stop if you find first empty cell for speeding
ElseIf Left(cCell.Text, 1) = "$" Then ' normal address
If cCell.Offset(0, 1).Text & "!" & UCase(cCell.Text) = SheetFly & "!" & UCase(kom) Then
Set SearchAdr = cCell
Exit Function ' exit if find proper row with parameters
End If
Else ' means that found is a name
For Each oOOo In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If (oOOo.RefersTo = "=" & SheetFly & "!" & UCase(kom)) And (UCase(oOOo.Name) = UCase(cCell.Text)) Then
Set SearchAdr = cCell
Exit Function ' exit if find proper row with parameters
End If
Next oOOo
End If
Next cCell
End Function
In your workbook you have to make sheet named Param
where the parameters of scrollbar are stored. In column A and C put the name of your sheet where you want scrollbars to appear. The sheet looks like this:
Now you can enjoy the scrollbar after clicking the cell in the model
Note that you can define different min, max ranges and step of scrollbar change separately for every cell. Moreover, the min and max range can be negative.
My solution is simple however I wished it could be further improved with respect to speed. With complex calculations within the workbook the performance of scrollbar might be better.
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