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How to append multi-lines to file in a dockerfile?

I have a dockerfile and can't seem to be able to embed the nginx configuration file to it, so that it can be appended to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

I tried the following formats:

RUN cat <<EOT >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
user                            www;
worker_processes                auto; # it will be determinate automatically by the number of core

error_log                       /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;
pid                             /var/run/nginx.pid; # it permit you to use /etc/init.d/nginx reload|restart|stop|start

events {
    worker_connections          1024;

http {
    include                     /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type                application/octet-stream;
    sendfile                    on;
    access_log                  /var/log/nginx/access.log;
    keepalive_timeout           3000;
    server {
        listen                  80;
        root                    /usr/local/www;
        index                   index.html index.htm;
        server_name             localhost;
        client_max_body_size    32m;
        error_page              500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
        location = /50x.html {
              root              /var/lib/nginx/html;


RUN echo $
'user                            www; \n
worker_processes                auto; # it will be determinate automatically by the number of core \n

error_log                       /var/log/nginx/error.log warn; \n
pid                             /var/run/nginx.pid; # it permit you to use /etc/init.d/nginx reload|restart|stop|start \n

events { \n
    worker_connections          1024; \n
} \n

http { \n
    include                     /etc/nginx/mime.types; \n
    default_type                application/octet-stream; \n
    sendfile                    on; \n
    access_log                  /var/log/nginx/access.log; \n
    keepalive_timeout           3000; \n
    server { \n
        listen                  80; \n
        root                    /usr/local/www; \n
        index                   index.html index.htm; \n
        server_name             localhost; \n
        client_max_body_size    32m; \n
        error_page              500 502 503 504  /50x.html; \n
        location = /50x.html { \n
              root              /var/lib/nginx/html; \n
        } \n
    } \n
> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

However with either of the two examples I get the following error, which kinda looks like docker is trying to treat the nginx config file as its own variables:

Sending build context to Docker daemon 33.28 kB
Error response from daemon: Unknown instruction: WORKER_PROCESSES

Docker version is 1.13.1, build 07f3374/1.13.1 and the distro I am using is CentOS Atomic Host 7.1902, while docker base image is alpinelinux.


like image 243
mailman Avatar asked Apr 29 '19 15:04


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2 Answers

That should do the trick:

RUN echo $'first line \n\
second line \n\
third line' > /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Basically it's wrapped in a $'' and uses \n\ for new lines.

like image 173
Thomas Baier Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 13:10

Thomas Baier

I was looking to create & append lines to my .npmrc to install private packages. The only syntax that worked for me was:

RUN echo @myscope:registry=https://gitlab.com/api/v4/packages/npm/ > .npmrc \
  && echo //gitlab.com/api/v4/packages/npm/:_authToken=${MY_TOKEN} >> .npmrc \
  && echo strict-ssl=false >> .npmrc
like image 31
Nikhil Nanjappa Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 13:10

Nikhil Nanjappa