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How to anonymize the IP in Analytics from Firebase?

I've got a Firebase-Newbie question: While integration Firebase in an iOS application, I was asked to use Analytics'


from the Firebase object. Is this possible or conceptually invalid? Any hints appreciated.

Best regards, Marcus

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Marcus Toepper Avatar asked Jul 08 '16 07:07

Marcus Toepper

People also ask

How do I anonymize my IP address in Google Analytics?

You can anonymize Ip addresses by adding the following line of code in your Analytics tracking code. ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true); This will set the value of anonymize IP parameter to true. Another method is to set the anonymize ip parameter true in your Google Tag Manager setting.

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How it helps: Firebase Authentication uses the data to enable end-user authentication, and facilitate end-user account management. It also uses user-agent strings and IP addresses to provide added security and prevent abuse during sign-up and authentication.

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The IP-anonymization feature in Universal Analytics sets the last octet of IPv4 user IP addresses and the last 80 bits of IPv6 addresses to zeros in memory shortly after being sent to Google Analytics. The full IP address is never written to disk in this case.

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Identifying devicesBy default, the Firebase SDK collects identifiers for mobile devices (for example, Android Advertising ID and Advertising Identifier for iOS) and utilizes technologies similar to cookies.

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1 Answers

IP Addresses are currently anonymized by Firebase Analytics. There is no need/method to explicitly do so.

However, nothing guarantees that we anonymize these in Firebase's API design or terms of service. Given that it's just an implementation detail, you should be careful if you are trying to rely on this for any sort of legal compliance or to meet your company's privacy policies.

The docs and APIs are updated frequently and you should keep an eye on them, as well as the release notes, for changes.

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Steve Ganem Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Steve Ganem