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How to allow remote connections from mongo docker container



I am using the official mongodb docker container. I want to connect to the mongodb container from my host machine on port 27017. I ran the container with these ports exposed

-p 27017:27017

I am not able to connect (connection refused) and I believe its because the mongo conf file is not configured to allow remote connections. How can I configure it to allow? The official container does not have vi/nano installed to modify the image.

I am able to connect to mongodb from another container by creating a link - however this is not my wish

like image 675
CraigH Avatar asked May 26 '16 03:05


People also ask

How do I connect to a MongoDB Docker container?

For connecting to your local MongoDB instance from a Container you must first allow to accept connections from the Docker bridge gateway. To do so, simply add the respective gateway IP in the MongoDB config file /etc/mongod. conf under bindIp in the network interface section.

How can I access a MongoDB container from another container?

If you need to access the MongoDB server from another application running locally, you will need to expose a port using the -p argument. Using this method, you will be able to connect to your MongoDB instance on mongodb://localhost:27017 . You can try it with Compass, MongoDB's GUI to visualize and analyze your data.

Can I use MongoDB in Docker?

MongoDB can be run in a Docker container. There is an official image available on Docker Hub containing the MongoDB community edition, used in development environments. For production, you may custom-build a container with MongoDB's enterprise version.

1 Answers

Better solutions for furthering:
https://blog.madisonhub.org/setting-up-a-mongodb-server-with-auth-on-docker/ https://docs.mongodb.com/v2.6/tutorial/add-user-administrator/

My answer to another question. How to enable authentication on MongoDB through Docker?

Here's what I did for the same problem, and it worked.

  1. Run the mongo docker instance on your server

    docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -v ~/dataMongo:/data/db mongo
  2. Open bash on the running docker instance.

    docker ps


    b07599e429fb mongo "docker-entrypoint..." 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes>27017/tcp musing_stallman

    docker exec -it b07599e429fb bash

    Reference- https://github.com/arunoda/meteor-up-legacy/wiki/Accessing-the-running-Mongodb-docker-container-from-command-line-on-EC2

  3. Enter the mongo shell by typing mongo.

    root@b07599e429fb:/# mongo
  4. For this example, I will set up a user named ian and give that user read & write access to the cool_db database.

    > use cool_db
    > db.createUser({
        user: 'ian',
        pwd: 'secretPassword',
        roles: [{ role: 'readWrite', db:'cool_db'}]

    Reference: https://ianlondon.github.io/blog/mongodb-auth/ (First point only)

  5. Exit from mongod shell and bash.

  6. Now run the mongo docker with auth enabled.

    docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -v ~/dataMongo:/data/db mongo mongod --auth

    Reference: How to enable authentication on MongoDB through Docker? (Usman Ismail's answer to this question)

  7. I was able to connect to the instance running on a Google Cloud server from my local windows laptop using the below command.

    mongo <ip>:27017/cool_db -u ian -p secretPassword

    Reference: how can I connect to a remote mongo server from Mac OS terminal

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Sankaran Srinivasan Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 16:10

Sankaran Srinivasan