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How to aggregate by date when a full timestamp is given in aggregation framework?

I have a collection of errors, so that every error carries a date field. How can I aggregate/count/group the errors by DAY only (i.e. exclude the time of the day)? I guess, some smart projection should be applied.

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BreakPhreak Avatar asked Mar 27 '13 11:03


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1 Answers

You can do this by using the following aggregation operators:

  • $group
  • $year
  • $month
  • $dayOfMonth

This gives you the error count for each date:

db.errors.aggregate(     { $group : {         _id: {             year : { $year : "$date" },                     month : { $month : "$date" },                     day : { $dayOfMonth : "$date" },         },         count: { $sum: 1 }     }} ); 

This example assumes that the date field in your error documents is date and of type BSON Date. There is also a Timestamp type in MongoDB, but use of this type is explicitely discouraged by the documentation:

Note: The BSON Timestamp type is for internal MongoDB use. For most cases, in application development, you will want to use the BSON date type. See Date for more information.

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Philipp Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 09:11
