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how to add/connect a new edge to nodes via drag and drop - cytoscape.js



How can I add a new edge to connect 2 nodes via drag and drop? I would like to drag/draw a new edge from node x to node y manually via mouse.

It would be greatful, if you could give a working example in jsfiddle or something like that!

like image 781
Bruno Brummel Avatar asked Feb 07 '16 18:02

Bruno Brummel

People also ask

What is node and edge in Cytoscape?

Interaction networks are useful as stand-alone models. However, they are most powerful for answering scientific questions when integrated with additional information. Cytoscape allows the user to add arbitrary node, edge and network information to Cytoscape as node/edge/network data columns.

How do you bend edges in Cytoscape?

In the Style tab, select the Bend property from the Properties drop-down and click on either the Default Value, Mapping or Bypass cell to bring up the Edge Bend Editor.

1 Answers

App-level features should be written in your own app code or in an extension.

Have you taken a look at the extensions?

There are two extensions on the list thus far for this usecase.

Cytoscape.js is very extensible, so it's easy to write your own extension if you want something different.

like image 167
maxkfranz Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10
