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Loading and using JSON for Cytoscape.js


I want to use cytoscape.js for visualizing graphs. While I am capable with a myriad of languages (C++, Mathematica, R, etc), I am new to Javascript, JSON, HTML, and CSS. Thus it would be favorable to learn these languages through this use case (implementing graphs with cytoscape.js). Please keep this in mind in your answer.

I have previously asked how to [remotely load cytoscape.js and how to get graphs display (requires a div). Since then I have created a script that turns a graph as represented in one of the other languages I use, into the JSON format indicated here. While I can just copy-paste all of this directly into my program, for large networks that is clearly a poor way to implement it. An example of my script's output is at the bottom of this.


Given a JSON object/file(?) how can I do the following:

  • load it into cytoscape.js without copy-pasting the code.
  • referencing it once loaded. (e.g. basic explanation of how JSON syntax for use in cytoscape.js)

Script Output


container: document.getElementById('cy'),

elements: [ 
{// node Node 1
    group: 'nodes',

    data: {
        id: 'Node 1'

    selected: false,

    selectable: true,

    locked: false,

    grabbable: true,

    selectable: true,

{// node Node 2
    group: 'nodes',

    data: {
        id: 'Node 2'

    selected: false,

    selectable: true,

    locked: false,

    grabbable: true,

    selectable: true,

{// node Node 3
    group: 'nodes',

    data: {
        id: 'Node 3'

    selected: false,

    selectable: true,

    locked: false,

    grabbable: true,

    selectable: true,

{// edge 1_2
    group: 'edges',

    data: {
        id: '1_2',
        source: '1',
        target: '2'
{// edge 2_3
    group: 'edges',

    data: {
        id: '2_3',
        source: '2',
        target: '3'
{// edge 3_1
    group: 'edges',

    data: {
        id: '3_1',
        source: '3',
        target: '1'
style: [
        selector: 'node',
        style: {
            'content': 'data(id)'

like image 293
SumNeuron Avatar asked Oct 29 '16 09:10


1 Answers

    <script src="js/vendor/cytoscape.min.js"></script>
    <script src="js/vendor/jquery.min.js"></script>

    #cy {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0px;
        left: 0px;

    <div id="cy"></div>
        $.getJSON("cyto.js", function (data) {
            var cy = cytoscape({
                container: document.getElementById('cy'),
                elements: data,
                style: [
                        selector: 'node',
                        style: {
                            'label': 'data(label)',
                            'width': '60px',
                            'height': '60px',
                            'color': 'blue',
                            'background-fit': 'contain',
                            'background-clip': 'none'
                    }, {
                        selector: 'edge',
                        style: {
                           'text-background-color': 'yellow',
                            'text-background-opacity': 0.4,
                            'width': '6px',
                            'target-arrow-shape': 'triangle',
                            'control-point-step-size': '140px'
                layout: {
                    name: 'circle'

in cyto.js you can input valid JSON data, for example

    "nodes": [
            "data": {"id": "a", "label": "Gene1"}
            "data": {"id": "b", "label": "Gene2"}
            "data": {"id": "c", "label": "Gene3"}
            "data": {"id": "d", "label": "Gene4"}
            "data": {"id": "e", "label": "Gene5"}
            "data": {"id": "f", "label": "Gene6"}
            "edges": [
            "data": {
            "id": "ab",
                    "source": "a",
                    "target": "b"
            "data": {
            "id": "cd",
                    "source": "c",
                    "target": "d"
            "data": {
            "id": "ef",
                    "source": "e",
                    "target": "f"
            "data": {
            "id": "ac",
                    "source": "a",
                    "target": "d"
            "data": {
             "id": "be",
                    "source": "b",
                    "target": "e"
like image 105
Dolittle Wang Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 02:10

Dolittle Wang