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How to add object files to a project in Qt

Currently the linker in one project has problems linking to object files generated by source files in another project. Is there some way to manually add those object files to Qt?

like image 826
wrongusername Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 03:12


2 Answers

Try using the LIBS directive in your *.pro file;

LIBS += /path/to/foo.o
like image 152
ismail Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 10:12


Building on ismail's answer, if you have a directory with many object files, you don't have to include each one separately. You can just write:

LIBS += "../path-to-objs/*.obj"

You can also specify different object files to link against for debug and release builds with:

Release:LIBS += "../path-to-objs/Release/*.obj"
Debug:LIBS += "../path-to-objs/Debug/*.obj"

I include this because my MSVC linker complains when the specified object files don't match the build type (release/debug).

like image 34
Carlton Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 09:12
