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How to add [ngStyle] directive dynamically in ionic 3 / angular

This is what I had and it was working, it was bounded to progress method and it was displaying correctly:

<div [ngStyle]="{'width.%': progress()}"></div>

Now I have to create the element dynamically:

let myDiv = <HTMLElement>(document.createElement('div'));

but I can't seem to find a way to bind the progress method to my dynamically created element.

Code using renderer as suggested by @fatemefazli which doesn't have change detection so it doesn't render when data becomes available nor listens to change of progress method: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-fpyfmn

The decision to create DOM elements dynamically comes from the need to attach pan gesture using HammerJS which requires to attach a listener like so:

    var hammer = new Gesture(elem);

    hammer.on('pan', (e) => this.Pan(e));

I tried to create an event publish / emitter but I don't have a trigger to publish it.

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August Avatar asked Jun 04 '18 19:06


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2 Answers

constructor(public el: ElementRef, public renderer: Renderer){
    this.myDiv = <HTMLElement>(document.createElement('div'));
    renderer.setElementStyle(this.myDiv , 'width', this.progress()+'%');
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Fateme Fazli Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Fateme Fazli

As TricheTriche said, you shouldn't directly access the DOM. In fact, not only it's not recommended but will not work for dynamic changes, since it's not really running inside the angular zone anymore.

What you need to do is:

  1. create a new placeholder in your current component that will host (2)
  2. create a new directive that is in charge of listening and handling events , and also rendering any style changes
  3. use ComponentFactoryResolver to dynamically inject (2) into (1)

Check more details on Angular's page Angular's Dynamic Component Load page, in which they present a running example of something similar to what you need

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WebDever Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09
