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How to add ngModule routes as child routes of another ngModule in Angular2?



I am following this tutorial to have an architecture of my application.

To give more information lets consider A as appModule, and B is another main module. Now I want to load other modules (NgModule which has many other routes) inside B's <router-outlet>.

What is a better approach to do this?

This is what I want to achieve

This is what I have done so far

-mainBoard (Folder next to app.Module)
    --mainBoard Routes
    --mainBoard Component
    --mainHeader Component
    --mainFooter Component
    --mainSidenav Component

    -Users  (Folder inside mainBoard)
    --User Module
    --User Routes
    --UserList Component
    --UserDetail Component
    --UserSetting Component

    -Departments (Folder inside mainBoard)
    --Department Module
    --Department Routes
    --DepartmentList Component
    --DepartmentDetail Component

-Auth (Folder next to mainBoard folder)
    --Auth Module
    --Auth Component
    --Auth Routes
    -Sign-in (Folder)
    --Sign-in Component
    -Sign-up (Folder)
    --Sign-up Component

-App Module

I have 2 main modules, mainBoard and Auth. MainBoard has a header, sidenav,footer and in the center I want to load Users and Department using <router-outlet>.

I want to load localhost/app/users to load Userslist and localhost/app/department to load department list.

My main-board.module and users.module look like this

// main-board.module.ts
import {MainBoardRouting} from './main-board.routes';

import {UsersModule} from './users/users.module';
import {DepartmentsModule} from './departments/departments.module';

    imports :[
    declarations : [
    providers: []
export class MainBoardModule{}

// Users.module.ts

import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';

import {usersRouting} from './users.routes';
import {UserListComponent} from './user-list';
import {UserDetailComponent} from './user-detail';

    imports :[
    declarations : [
    providers: []
export class UsersModule{}

// main-board.routes

import { RouterModule,Routes } from '@angular/router';

import {  MainBoardComponent  } from './main-board.component';

const MainBoardRoutes: Routes = [{
    path: 'app',
    component: MainBoardComponent
export const MainBoardRouting = RouterModule.forChild(MainBoardRoutes);

// users route

import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';

import { UserListComponent }    from './user-list';
import { UserDetailComponent }  from './user-detail';

export const usersRoutes: Routes = [
  {path: '', redirectTo: 'app/users', pathMatch:'full'},
  { path: 'users',  component: UserListComponent },
  { path: 'user/:id', component: UserDetailComponent }

export const usersRouting = RouterModule.forChild(usersRoutes);

Is my approach right to have child NgModule with their own routings or do I have to change them to simple component and have all the routes in main-board Module routes?

like image 978
Gan Avatar asked Aug 19 '16 06:08


People also ask

What is the correct way to add a basic route in Angular?

First, add links to the two components. Assign the anchor tag that you want to add the route to the routerLink attribute. Set the value of the attribute to the component to show when a user clicks on each link. Next, update your component template to include <router-outlet> .

2 Answers

Your methodology is correct. In this approach one needs to import only childmodule into parentmodule, that's it. Childmodule will take care of it's own routing. Similarly if you have nested modules, only modules need to be imported in parent routes rather than declaring lot of routes in one place.

like image 107
Paresh Nagore Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 20:09

Paresh Nagore

Your approach is right. You want to split the routes to their own sub-modules. Technically you can move the routes to any module as they are merged but it will probably be a bad idea in the long term.

Plunker with resulting routes https://plnkr.co/edit/Y9ReEwnBZNId48xX1CDR?p=preview

  selector: 'users',
  template: `
      <ul><li *ngFor="let user of users">{{user}}</li></ul>
export class Users {
  users = ["John", "Joe"];

const usersRoutes = [
  {path: 'users', component: Users}
const UsersRoutes = RouterModule.forChild(usersRoutes);

  imports: [ CommonModule, UsersRoutes ],
  declarations: [ Users ],
  exports: [ Users ]
export class UsersModule {}
like image 39
Gerard Sans Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 20:09

Gerard Sans