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how to add multiple ChangeNotifierProvider in same type in Flutter

Is it possible to add same type multiple ChangeNotifierProvider?

return MultiProvider(
  providers: [
        create: (_) => ValueNotifier<double>(0.0),
        create: (_) => ValueNotifier<double>(0.0),

In my build method

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    ValueNotifier<double> firstNotifier = Provider.of(context, listen: true);
    ValueNotifier<double> secondNotifier = Provider.of(context, listen: true);

  print('First value ${firstNotifier.value} Second value ${secondNotifier.value}');

   firstNotifier.value = 10.0;
   secondNotifier.value = 30.0;

both printed values are same First value is 10 Second value is 10

like image 675
BIS Tech Avatar asked Apr 06 '20 03:04

BIS Tech

People also ask

What is a changenotifier class in flutter?

This class is basically a provider-wrapper over a class that implements ChangeNotifier. According to the Flutter docs, a ChangeNotifier is 'a class that can be extended or mixed in that provides a change notification API using VoidCallback for notifications.' In practical terms, other objects can listen to a ChangeNotifier object.

Is a changenotifierprovider a valid provider?

A ChangeNotifierProvider is as valid as a Provider. Provider itself is just a more general use case. They are all valid providers. I can change the example for you. Probably, you can alter the answers. The recommended one you could show first and then another alternative.

What is a provider in flutter?

The provider is a way to handle State management in flutter applications. Like the Inherited widget, we can handle the data changes with providers. CartPage : Which contains all cart items with Remove option.

How do I pass variables to a changenotifier?

If you want to pass variables to your ChangeNotifier, consider using ChangeNotifierProxyProvider. If you already have an instance of ChangeNotifier and want to expose it, you should use ChangeNotifierProvider.value instead of the default constructor. Failing to do so may dispose the ChangeNotifier when it is still in use.

1 Answers

There is an elegant way to do it, but we will have to create two separate class which extend changeNotifierProvider

class FirstNotifier with ChangeNotifier{
  double value=0; //default
  void ChangeValue(double newValue){

And second notifier as ;

class SecondNotifier with ChangeNotifier{
  double value=0; //default
  void ChangeValue(double newValue){

Then in inside your build method you can access them as

final firstNotifier = Provider.of<FirstNotifier>(context, listen:true)
final secondNotifier = Provider.of<SecondNotifier>(context, listen:true)

Then you can make changes in them as


In the MultiProvider Code, then you can wrap Providers as

return MultiProvider(
  providers: [
        create: (_) => FirstNotifier,
      ChangeNotifierProvider<SecondNotifier >(
        create: (_) => SecondNotifier ,

That will do the trick

like image 182
Saurabh Kumar Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 02:11

Saurabh Kumar