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How to add grails to IntelliJ IDEA

I want to learn grails and i want to use IntelliJ IDEA and my professor said that I could connect grails to IntelliJ IDEA but i dont know how. Can you please help me with clear steps on how to do so?


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samsoni Avatar asked Mar 13 '11 15:03


People also ask

How do you run the Grails project in IntelliJ Community Edition?

You can run it by using the bootRun gradle task in the gradle toolbar or going to the Application. groovy file and running the main() method.

1 Answers

For an existing project, I always use:

grails integrate-with --intellij

That'll create .ipr and .iml files for you ready to open up by intellij.

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Ted Naleid Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09

Ted Naleid