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Grails: How can I search through children in a hasMany relationship?



If I have a Client domain class, and that Client hasMany Courses. How do I find the course I'm looking for? For instance:

class Client {
    String name
    static hasMany = [courses:Course]

class Course {
    String name
    static belongsTo = [client:Client]

def client = Client.get(1)

I want to "find" or "search" within that courses relationship. Maybe something like:


Is there any way to do this with Grails?

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intargc Avatar asked Mar 13 '10 06:03


2 Answers

If you're using a second level cache and have configured it for this association, you might want to iterate over the collection (this will save you a database query if the association is in cache).

Here is an example using the clever Groovy Collection API:

def course = client.courses.find { it.name == "whatever" }

Important: If you decide to take this approach make sure to configure eager / batch fetching of courses so you don't run into the n+1 problem.

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Kimble Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 07:11


One way is with dynamic finder methods:

Courses.findAllByClientAndName(client, 'whatever')

This would get all a client's courses named 'whatever'.

Grails also has few other ways to accomplish this.

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ataylor Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 06:11
