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How to add frameworks to Xcode 7?



I'm unable to find and add AVFoundation framework and other frameworks in Xcode 7 beta like we were able to do on Xcode 6.

How can I add AVFoundation to the project, in Xcode 7 (beta)?

like image 504
Sovanndy Ul Avatar asked Jun 14 '15 18:06

Sovanndy Ul

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In the app, select the project from the project navigator, select the Stocktance target, and scroll to Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. Click on the plus button, click Add Other… and select Add Files… Navigate to the SettingsKit folder and select it. We've added the framework to the project.

How do I link an external framework in Xcode?

In general, to use an external framework in Xcode, you need to: Add a some kind of synchronised link to the external repository and download it. Add the . xcodeproj (Xcode project) file from the external repo as a sub-project to your own project, in Xcode's File Navigator.

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In Xcode, select File ▸ New ▸ Project…. Then choose iOS ▸ Framework & Library ▸ Framework.

How do I update framework in Xcode?

In Xcode selector your framework target and in build settings search for linking and you will se this setting there. We created a build script to bump this version number every time we build. Xcode caches the frameworks and uses the cache if possible. That's why you need to change this number.

1 Answers

On the left column, select your project. There is an icon/button with your project's name in the right pane. Click the UpDown icon and change from Project to Target. Then go to the General tab, scroll down to the Frameworks section and add/remove Frameworks.

like image 175
sonicbabbler Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 13:10
