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How to add custom css in wix website




I am new at wix and editing a website and want to add css in a page. but not found any option for css. Anybody know how to add custom css code in wix website?


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Ravi Singh Avatar asked Apr 17 '18 12:04

Ravi Singh

People also ask

How do I add custom CSS to my website?

Navigate to Appearance -> Customize section of your dashboard, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Additional CSS. This will open an in-built tool that will allow you to add any CSS code. It is easy to use and lets you view both mobile and tablet versions of your site.

Can I use HTML and CSS in Wix?

Use the custom element to add visible content to your site and to design elements with additional CSS capabilities. Custom elements allow you to create custom HTML tags that you can use on web pages and in apps.

1 Answers

You can do this by embedding inline styles to every page, via creating a chunk of custom css code contained between <style> and </style>.

  1. Go to your site's dashboard.
  2. Click Manage Website on the left.
  3. Click Tracking & Analytics.
  4. Click + New Tool **and select **Custom from the dropdown.
  5. Set up your custom code:
    1. Enter your custom code.
    2. Select the relevant domain. Note: This option will appear only if you have multiple domains.
    3. Enter a name for your custom code.
    4. Add Code to Pages: Select which pages to add your code to:
      • **All Pages: **Click the dropdown to select an option:
        • Load code once.
        • Load code on each new page.
      • **Choose specific pages: **Begin typing the name of the relevant pages and then click the checkbox next to the relevant page.
    5. Place Code in: Select where the code snippet in placed in your site's code:
      • Head - as noted by @Daniel Gurtner, avoid this because it'll insert it BEFORE any of the inherent styles, which makes it mostly useless here.
      • Body - start
      • Body - end Note: I'd recommend adding your style chunk here to avoid having a delay effect on your loading
  6. Click Apply.
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Gray Ayer Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Gray Ayer