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Can i nest the disabled attribute using LESS?





I have the following code to target buttons that are in a disable state:

.btn-default[disabled] {
  background-color: lighten(@btn-default-bg, 30%)

Is it possible to use nested rules to target the disabled attribute? something similar to &:Hover

like image 653
Jack Murphy Avatar asked Nov 27 '13 22:11

Jack Murphy

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1 Answers

You can indeed, like this:

.btn-default {
  &[disabled] {
    background-color: lighten(@btn-default-bg, 30%)


You can even do further nesting:

input {
  &[type="submit"] {
    &[disabled] {
      background: @blue;
like image 138
davidpauljunior Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 16:11
