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How to add buttons to columns to ng2-table in angular 2

I want a table in which edit button should be there in every column and I used ng2 in which I failed to put buttons at the end.

My html,

<ng-table [config]="config.sorting"
      [rows]="rows" [columns]="columns" >

my ts,

rows: Array<any> = [];
columns: Array<any> = [
    {title: 'Name', name: 'accountname'},
    {title: 'Position', name: 'email', sort: false},
    {title: 'Office', name: 'phone', sort: 'asc'},

But I want a button at each column for edit and delete and how can I do that,can someone please suggest help.

like image 223
MMR Avatar asked Oct 31 '16 13:10


2 Answers

We can do with help of Jquery.

Just add a extra field named Action in public column array

And then append a new action " String of html with buttons in it".

constructor(private moduleviewservice:ModuleViewService,private _router:Router){
                    for(let i=0;i<data.length;i++){
                        this.data[+i]["action"]="<a> <span class=\"viewEmployee\" data-id="+data[+i].moduleId+"> <i class=\"fa fa-file-text\"  ></i> </span> </a> <a > <span class=\"editEmployee\"  data-id="+data[+i].moduleId+"> <i class=\"fa fa-pencil\" ></i> </span> </a> <a > <span class=\"deleteEmployee\"  data-id="+data[+i].moduleId+"> <i class=\"fa fa-trash-o\" ></i> </span> </a>";
                    this.length = this.data.length;  
    /*NG@ TABLE */

   public columns:Array<any> = [
        {title: 'Module Name', name: 'moduleName'},
        {title: 'Module Description', name: 'moduleDesc',},            
        {title: 'Action',   name:'action', sort:false},   
  /*IN NG ON INIT I have used this to call in (jquery)*/
        let route=this._router;
            let moduleviewservice=this.moduleviewservice;
              let j=$(this).attr('data-id');
               route.navigate( ['/home', {outlets: {'menu': 'home/singleViewModule'}}]);
              let j=$(this).attr('data-id');
               route.navigate( ['/home', {outlets: {'menu': 'home/editModule'}}]);
              let j=$(this).attr('data-id');
               route.navigate( ['/home', {outlets: {'menu': 'home/deleteModule'}}]);
This is how it looks and redirect will work fine. enter image description here
like image 159
Nambi N Rajan Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11

Nambi N Rajan

A button can be added simply by including it in the rows[]:

rows = [{
  id: '1',
  title: 'title test1 <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Test Button in ng2-table</button>'
}, {
  id: '2',
  title: 'title test2'
}, {
  id: '3',
  title: 'title test3'

A button would appear in the second column of the first row. Here's a working demo:

In fact, not just button, you can include any component this way anywhere in your table (provided it is compatible with angular!)

like image 28
HBK Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11