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How to add Bold or Italic (INLINE) using Jade? *Like markdown





There is some way to make strong some words in the same code line using Jade to generate the HTML?

I try to use markdown code, like this. But isn't working:

p Here are my **strong words** in my sentence!

An unique solution that I found (here) was:

p Here are my <strong>strong words</strong> in my sentence!

There any other way?

Thank you!

like image 866
romulobastos Avatar asked Mar 16 '16 15:03


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1 Answers

For Pug or Jade, you need to wrap the element in a paragraph, and use the | for line continuation.

  strong This Starts out strong 
  |  but finishes out not 
  i  quite 
  |  as bold.

Which will look like:

This starts out strong but finishes out not quite as bold.

EDIT: As noted in the comments, you need an additional whitespace before each component, as pug doesn't add spaces. The above will render out as:

<p><strong>This Starts out strong </strong> but finishes out not <i> quite </i> as bold.</p>
like image 57
MrMowgli Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
