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How to add < and > in android strings.xml



I need to add <string name="name_hint"><Given Name></string> in strings.xml. What is the escape sequence in order to do that? The string to be added is <Given Name>

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user264953 Avatar asked Dec 13 '13 09:12


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2 Answers

The Android string.xml file is just a regular XML file, so you can use the XML escape characters:

"   &quot;
'   &apos;
<   &lt;
>   &gt;
&   &amp;

Your example would become <string name="name_hint">&lt;Given Name&gt;</string>

UPDATE: Furthermore you can use the HTML entities of each character, a blank space is for example &#032;, and a non-breaking space is &#160;.

Note that I am not entirely sure whether this is officially supported by the XML standards, or that it 'just works'...

like image 166
Veger Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10


Use &lt; for less than symbol and &gt; for greater than symbol. so here you need to replace like:

<string name="name_hint">&lt;Given Name&gt;</string>
like image 30
Shailendra Madda Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10

Shailendra Madda