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How to add an outline border to a widget?

How can I add a outline border to a widget in wxpython? (Any widget, for example, a wx.Button)

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user1513192 Avatar asked Aug 12 '12 14:08


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1 Answers

For panel, you can use

p = wx.Panel(....., style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)

there you can choose from constants:


If you want to create border around wx.Button, i would use my custom bitmap with wx.BitmapButton:

b = wx.BitmapButton(pane, -1, wx.Bitmap('buttons/my_beautiful_button.png'))

For any widget, i think you can always create a wx.Panel with some border and put the widget into the panel.

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Stanislav Heller Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Stanislav Heller