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How to add a random intercept and random slope term to a GAMM model in R





I am trying to specify both a random intercept and random slope term in a GAMM model with one fixed effect.

I have successfully fitted a model with a random intercept using the below code within the mgcv library, but can now not determine what the syntax is for a random slope within the gamm() function:

M1  = gamm(dur ~ s(dep, bs="ts", k = 4), random= list(fInd = ~1), data= df)

If I was using both a random intercept and slope within a linear mixed-effects model I would write it in the following way:

M2 = lme(dur ~ dep, random=~1 + dep|fInd, data=df)

The gamm() supporting documentation states that the random terms need to be given in the list form as in lme() but I cannot find any interpretable examples that include both slope and intercept terms. Any advice / solutions would be much appreciated.

like image 987
jjulip Avatar asked Sep 16 '14 15:09


People also ask

How do you plot a random intercept model in R?

Basically, the formula is b0 + b0[r1-rn] + bi * xi (where xi is the estimate of fixed effects, b0 is the intercept of the fixed effects and b0[r1-rn] are all random intercepts). Use type = "ri. slope" for this kind of plots.

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To accomplish this in LMER just add the variables for which we want to add random slopes to the random part of the input. This means that (1|class) becomes (1+sex+extrav |class) . We can see that all the fixed regression slopes are still significant.

What is the intercept of a random effect in model?

A random intercept model estimates separate intercepts for each unit of each level at which the intercept is permitted to vary. This is one kind of random effect model. Another kind of random effect model also includes random slopes, and estimates separate slopes (i.e. coefficients, betas, effects, etc.

What is the difference between random intercept and random slope?

So what's the difference between a random intercept model and a random slope model? Well, unlike a random intercept model, a random slope model allows each group line to have a different slope and that means that the random slope model allows the explanatory variable to have a different effect for each group.

2 Answers

The gamm4 function in the gamm4 package contains a way to do this. You specify the random intercept and slope in the same way that you do in the lmer style. In your case:

M1 = gamm4(dur~s(dep,bs="ts",k=4), random = ~(1+dep|fInd), data=df)

Here is the gamm4 documentation: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gamm4/gamm4.pdf

like image 176
marcinus Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10


Here is the gamm() syntax to enter correlated random intercept and slope effects, using the sleepstudy dataset.


# Model via lme()
fm1 <- lme(Reaction ~ Days, random= ~1+Days|Subject, data=sleepstudy, method='REML')
# Model via gamm()
fm1.gamm <- gamm(Reaction ~ Days, random= list(Subject=~1+Days), data=sleepstudy, method='REML')

# Both are identical
# Subject = pdLogChol(1 + Days) 
#             Variance StdDev    Corr  
# (Intercept) 612.0795 24.740241 (Intr)
# Days         35.0713  5.922103 0.066 
# Residual    654.9424 25.591843  

The syntax to enter uncorrelated random intercept and slope effects is the same for lme() and gamm().

# Model via lme()
fm2 <- lme(Reaction ~ Days, random= list(Subject=~1, Subject=~0+Days), data=sleepstudy, method='REML')
# Model via gamm()
fm2.gamm <- gamm(Reaction ~ Days, random= list(Subject=~1, Subject=~0+Days), data=sleepstudy, method='REML')

# Both are identical
#             Variance            StdDev   
# Subject =   pdLogChol(1)                 
# (Intercept) 627.5690            25.051328
# Subject =   pdLogChol(0 + Days)          
# Days         35.8582             5.988172
# Residual    653.5838            25.565285

This answer also shows how to enter multiple random effects into lme().

like image 25
kakarot Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10
