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Concerning R, when defining a Replacement Function, do the arguments have to be named as/like "x" and "value"?




By "replacement functions" I mean those mentioned in this thread What are Replacement Functions in R?, ones that look like 'length<-'(x, value). When I was working with such functions I encountered something weird. It seems that a replacement function only works when variables are named according to a certain rule.

Here is my code:

a <- c(1,2,3)

I will try to change the first element of a, using one of the 3 replacement functions below.

'first0<-' <- function(x, value){
  x[1] <- value

first0(a) <- 5
# returns [1] 5 2 3.

The first one works pretty well... but then when I change the name of arguments in the definition,

'first1<-' <- function(somex, somevalue){
  somex[1] <- somevalue

first1(a) <- 9
# Error in `first1<-`(`*tmp*`, value = 9) : unused argument (value = 9)
# returns [1] 5 2 3

It fails to work, though the following code is OK:

a <- 'first1<-'(a, 9)
# returns [1] 9 2 3

Some other names work well, too, if they are similar to x and value, it seems:

'first2<-' <- function(x11, value11){
  x11[1] <- value11

first2(a) <- 33
# returns [1] 33  2  3

This doesn't make sense to me. Do the names of variables actually matter or did I make some mistakes?

like image 960
Qian Qin Avatar asked Sep 01 '14 18:09

Qian Qin

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When using a function the functions arguments can be specified by?

Because all function arguments have names, they can be specified using their name. Specifying an argument by its name is sometimes useful if a function has many arguments and it may not always be clear which argument is being specified. Here, our function only has one argument so there's no confusion.

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1 Answers

There are two things going on here. First, the only real rule of replacement functions is that the new value will be passed as a parameter named value and it will be the last parameter. That's why when you specify the signature function(somex, somevalue), you get the error unused argument (value = 9) and the assignment doesn't work.

Secondly, things work with the signature function(x11, value11) thanks to partial matching of parameter names in R. Consider this example

f<-function(a, value1234=5) {
# [1] 5

Note that 5 is returned. This behavior is defined under argument matching in the language definition.

Another way to see what's going on is to print the call signature of what's actually being called.

'first0<-' <- function(x, value){
    x[1] <- value
a <- c(1,2,3)
first0(a) <- 5
# `first0<-`(`*tmp*`, value = 5)

So the first parameter is actually passed as an unnamed positional parameter, and the new value is passed as the named parameter value=. This is the only parameter name that matters.

like image 128
MrFlick Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11
