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How to add a header to CSV export in jq?


People also ask

Can JQ read CSV?

`jq` can transform CSV to JSON and vice-versa, especially for simple/naive data where simply splitting on `,` is good enough - and where you aren't too bothered by types (e.g. if you don't mind numbers ending up as strings).

I'm taking a modified command from the jq tutorial:

curl 'https://api.github.com/repos/stedolan/jq/commits?per_page=5' \ | jq -r -c '.[] | {message: .commit.message, name: .commit.committer.name} | [.[]] | @csv' 

Which does csv export well, but missing the headers as the top:

"Fix README","Nicolas Williams" "README: send questions to SO and Freenode","Nicolas Williams" "usage() should check fprintf() result (fix #771)","Nicolas Williams" "Use jv_mem_alloc() in compile.c (fix #771)","Nicolas Williams" "Fix header guards (fix #770)","Nicolas Williams" 

How can I add the header (in this case message,name) at the top? (I know it's possible manually, but how to do it within jq?)