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'dict' object has no attribute 'id'


this is my code. I am trying to translate xml string into python list to be shown in html template.

self.task_xml = "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>     <django-objects version="1.0"> <object model="task.task" pk="31"> <field name="name" type="CharField">New Task</field> <field name="parent_task_id" type="IntegerField">0</field> </object> <object model="task.task" pk="32"> <field name="name" type="CharField">New Task</field> <field name="parent_task_id" type="IntegerField">0</field> </object> <object model="task.task" pk="33"> <field name="name" type="CharField">New Task</field> <field name="parent_task_id" type="IntegerField">31</field> </object> <object model="task.task" pk="34"> <field name="name" type="CharField">New Task</field> <field name="parent_task_id" type="IntegerField">31</field> </object> </django-objects>"   58         self.xmlData = ET.fromstring(self.db.task_xml)  59   60         self.task_list = []  61         taskList = []                                                             62         for obj in self.xmlData.iter("object"):  63             parent_task_id = obj.find("field[@name='parent_task_id']").text  64             if parent_task_id == EMPTY_UUID:  65                 taskList.append({'id': obj.get("pk"),  66                     'name': obj.find("field[@name='name']").text,  67                     'parent_task_id': parent_task_id ,  68                     })  69         # Apprend taskList:  70         for task in taskList:  71             taskViewModel = TaskViewModel(task.id, True)  72             self.task_list.append(taskViewModel) 

but I am getting error:

'dict' object has no attribute 'id' 

and it is task.id in line 71

do you think i have a problem with this in line 65:

'id': obj.get("pk" 
like image 363
James Reid Avatar asked Aug 27 '15 04:08

James Reid

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1 Answers

You are accessing the dictionary wrongly. You need to use subscript with string 'id' , Example -

taskViewModel = TaskViewModel(task['id'], True) 
like image 167
Anand S Kumar Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Anand S Kumar