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How to add a Fragment's argument item to Koin dependency graph?

I have a ViewModel which has a dependency which should be taken from the Fragment's arguments.

So its something like:

class SomeViewModel(someValue: SomeValue)

now the fragment recieves the SomeValue in its arguemnt like so:

class SomeFragment : Fragment() {
    val someViewModel: SomeViewModel by viewModel()

    companion object {
        fun newInstance(someValue: SomeValue) = SomeFragment().apply {
            arguments = bundleof("someKey" to someValue)

problem is I don't know how to add SomeValue thats taken from the Fragment's arguments to Koin's module.

Is there a way to make the fragment contribute to the Koin Dependency Graph?

like image 847
Archie G. Quiñones Avatar asked Jun 04 '19 02:06

Archie G. Quiñones

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1 Answers

So for anyone else asking the same question, here is the answer:


So basically,

you could create your module like so:

val myModule = module {
    viewModel { (someValue : SomeValue) -> SomeViewModel(someValue ) }

Now in your fragment, you could do something like:

class SomeFragment : Fragment() {
    val someViewModel: SomeViewModel by viewModel { 

    companion object {
        fun newInstance(someValue: SomeValue) = SomeFragment().apply {
            arguments = bundleof("someKey" to someValue)
like image 180
Archie G. Quiñones Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

Archie G. Quiñones