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Reactive java method hide()

what is hide method in class Observable used for? I read the document but still has no idea what it is used for and I saw lots of people use it

    Hides the identity of this Observable and its Disposable.


When should we use this method?

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coinhndp Avatar asked Oct 21 '17 20:10


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1 Answers

If you look at the documentation, you will see in the next sentence:

Allows hiding extra features such as Subject's Observer methods or preventing certain identity-based optimizations (fusion).

An example would be:

PublishSubject<Object> objectPublishSubject = PublishSubject.create();

Observable<Object> hide = objectPublishSubject.hide();

Lets say, you use a PublishSubject internally and you want to pass an Observable to the outside world. This would be a good idea, because of information hiding. The caller from outside would not be able to invoke #onNext() on an Observable. So, you could just use Observable as the return value of the method and just return the PublishSubject. That would be possible, but the caller would be able to cast it and would be able to invoke #onNext() from outside.

Observable#hide create a new Observable from PublishSubject, so no casting would be possible.

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Hans Wurst Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09

Hans Wurst