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How to activate virtualenv in Linux?

People also ask

How do I activate virtualenv?

To install virtualenv, just use pip install virtualenv . To create a virtual environment directory with it, type virtualenv /path/to/directory . Activating and deactivating the virtual environment works the same way as it does for virtual environments in Python 3 (see above).

Here is my workflow after creating a folder and cd'ing into it:

$ virtualenv venv --distribute
New python executable in venv/bin/python
Installing distribute.........done.
Installing pip................done.
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ python

You forgot to do source bin/activate where source is a executable name. Struck me first few times as well, easy to think that manual is telling "execute this from root of the environment folder".

No need to make activate executable via chmod.

You can do

source ./python_env/bin/activate

or just go to the directory

cd /python_env/bin/

and then

source ./activate

Good Luck.

Go to the project directory. In my case microblog is the flask project directory and under microblog directory there should be app and venv folders. then run the below command, This is one worked for me in Ubuntu.

source venv/bin/activate

enter image description here

Cd to the environment path, go to the bin folder. At this point when you use ls command, you should see the "activate" file.

now type

source activate