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How to Achieve Lazy Binding of Tab Page Controls in WPF?

I have an entity class. This entity has lots of properties and entity's data is shown to the user in several TabItems of a TabControl. I also implement MVVM approach.

When the screen is shown to the user first, I want to bind only the active tab page controls and as the user navigates through tab pages additional separate bindings will be incurred as-needed. How can I achieve that?

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mkus Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 05:12


2 Answers

You don't have anything to do, that's the default behavior. The DataTemplate for a TabItem content won't be instantiated until this TabItem is selected

EDIT: here's an example:

    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:Page1ViewModel}">
        <v:Page1View />
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:Page3ViewModel}">
        <v:Page3View />
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:Page3ViewModel}">
        <v:Page3View />


<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding Pages}"

In the code above, the TabControl will pick the appropriate DataTemplate based on the item type, and will render it only when that item is selected.

EDIT 2: apparently you want to display the data of a single ViewModel on several pages. If you want the controls of each TabItem to lazily instantiated, you need to use the ContentTemplate property of each TabItem:

    <TabItem Header="Page 1">
                <v:Page1View />
    <TabItem Header="Page 2">
                <v:Page2View />
    <TabItem Header="Page 3">
                <v:Page3View />
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Thomas Levesque Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 08:12

Thomas Levesque

I created this solution which works for our third party tabcontrol.

The idea is to "intercept" the datacontext when it is beeing set, save it for later and set the datacontext back to null. When the tabitem gets focus we then set the datacontext and the data will populate in the tab.

Implemented as a dependency property. Then simply set the property on the tabs that need to (do not set it on the tab that comes up as a default)

    #region SavedDataContext

    private static object GetSavedDataContext(TabItemEx tabItem)
        return tabItem.GetValue(SavedDataContextProperty);

    private static void SetSavedDataContext(TabItemEx tabItem, object value)
        tabItem.SetValue(SavedDataContextProperty, value);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty SavedDataContextProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("SavedDataContext", typeof(object),
                                            typeof(Attach), new UIPropertyMetadata(null));


    #region LazyLoad

    public static bool GetLazyLoad(TabItemEx tabItem)
        return (bool)tabItem.GetValue(LazyLoadProperty);

    public static void SetLazyLoad(TabItemEx tabItem, bool value)
        tabItem.SetValue(LazyLoadProperty, value);

    private static readonly DependencyProperty LazyLoadProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("LazyLoad", typeof(bool),
                                            typeof(Attach), new UIPropertyMetadata(false, LazyLoadPropertyChanged));

    private static void LazyLoadPropertyChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
        if ((bool)eventArgs.NewValue)
            var tabItemEx = sender as TabItemEx;
            if (tabItemEx == null)

            tabItemEx.DataContextChanged += DataContextChanged;
            tabItemEx.GotFocus += TabGotFocus;


    private static void TabGotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var tabItemEx = sender as TabItemEx;

        if (tabItemEx == null)

        tabItemEx.GotFocus -= TabGotFocus;
        tabItemEx.DataContext = GetSavedDataContext(tabItemEx);
        tabItemEx.IsSelected = true;

    private static void DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
        var tabItemEx = sender as TabItemEx;

        if (tabItemEx == null)

        SetSavedDataContext(tabItemEx, eventArgs.NewValue);

        tabItemEx.DataContextChanged -= DataContextChanged;
        tabItemEx.DataContext = null;
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Petter Teigen Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 08:12

Petter Teigen