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how to access the class variable by string in Python?


The codes are like this:

class Test:     a = 1     def __init__(self):         self.b=2 

When I make an instance of Test, I can access its instance variable b like this(using the string "b"):

test = Test() a_string = "b" print test.__dict__[a_string] 

But it doesn't work for a as self.__dict__ doesn't contain a key named a. Then how can I accessa if I only have a string a?


like image 427
Hanfei Sun Avatar asked Nov 09 '12 06:11

Hanfei Sun

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2 Answers

To get the variable, you can do:

getattr(test, a_string) 
like image 96
kindall Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09


use getattr this way to do what you want:

test = Test() a_string = "b" print getattr(test, a_string) 
like image 28
Artsiom Rudzenka Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

Artsiom Rudzenka