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Pure CSS Solution - Square Elements? [duplicate]


If I have a <div> with a relative width (such as width: 50%), is there a simple way to make it have the same width as it does height without resorting to JavaScript?

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Trey Keown Avatar asked Dec 13 '12 02:12

Trey Keown

2 Answers

It is actually possible to achieve it with this neat trick i found at this blog

#square {    width: 100%;    height: 0;    padding-bottom: 100%; } 

Hope that helps

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Tomasz Kowalczyk Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 23:11

Tomasz Kowalczyk

No, and Yes (Kinda)

Okay, so the short answer is "no," not possible. The long answer is, "yes," given certain constraints and concessions (i.e. extra html markup, and limitations on what can be done).

Given this CSS:

.square {     position: relative;     margin: 20px;     display: inline-block; /* could be float */     overflow: auto; /* UPDATE: if content may overflow square */ } .sq-setter-w {     width: 100%;     height: auto;     visibility: hidden; } .sq-setter-h {     width: auto;     height: 100%;     visibility: hidden; } .sq-content {     position: absolute;     z-index: 1;     top: 0;     right: 0;     bottom: 0;     left: 0; } 

With this HTML:

<div class="square" style="width: 200px">     <img src="http://dummyimage.com/50x50/000/fff.gif&text=50x50" class="sq-setter-w"/>     <div class="sq-content">Here is content</div> </div> <div class="square" style="height: 100px">     <img src="http://dummyimage.com/50x50/000/fff.gif&text=50x50" class="sq-setter-h"/>     <div class="sq-content">Here is content</div> </div> <div class="extrawrapper"> <div class="square" style="width: 200px">     <img src="http://dummyimage.com/50x50/000/fff.gif&text=50x50" class="sq-setter-w"/>     <div class="sq-content">Here is content</div> </div> </div> <div class="extrawrapper"> <div class="square" style="height: 100px">     <img src="http://dummyimage.com/50x50/000/fff.gif&text=50x50" class="sq-setter-h"/>     <div class="sq-content">Here is content</div> </div> </div> 

You can get it to do what this fiddle shows.

The keys are:

  1. The image used needs to be a square image, as it is driving the proportional sizing (the img element is the only element that can do such proportional work, as it can base its size off the proportion of the image itself).
  2. You have to know if you are going to set the width or the height so that you can set the image class correctly to size it. Optionally, set the width or height on the img itself, then you don't need to worry about setting a class to the 100% value. My demo was assuming that you set the size on the wrapper div (my .square class).
  3. To get the div to collapse around the img which is driving the proportional sizing you need to set display: inline-block or a float on the div (as noted in the css above).
  4. Because of #3, if you want that div to act more "block-like" you need to give them an extra wrapper div like the third and fourth ones show.

Obviously, there is a lot of extra mark-up involved in this solution. So in many ways it is better to say "just use javascript," but I did want to prove that it could be done (at least in some cases) purely with HTML and CSS.

Update: To Show Flexible Sizing Possibility

See this fiddle for percentages driving the size, with this html example (width set to 30%):

<div class="square" style="width: 30%">     <img src="http://dummyimage.com/50x50/000/fff.gif&text=50x50" class="sq-setter-w"/>     <div class="sq-content">Here is content</div> </div> 
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ScottS Avatar answered Nov 24 '22 01:11
