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How to access parent Iframe from JavaScript

People also ask

Can JavaScript access iframe content?

You could use . contents() method of jQuery. The . contents() method can also be used to get the content document of an iframe, if the iframe is on the same domain as the main page.

Can an iframe access its parent dom?

If the content of the iframe and its parent have the same domain, you can access the parent pages DOM from the iframe by using parent. document.

Can iframe access parent variables?

So, for instance, if you define a var myvar = 2 in the parent scope, you can access that in the iframe as window. parent. myvar.

How do you communicate with iframe and parent site?

All you have to do is first dispatch an event from the iframe to the parent that notifies the parent that the iframe is loaded (essentially a "ready message"). The parent will be listening for messages and if it receives the "ready message" event, it can then reply to the iframe with whatever message you want to send.

Also you can set name and ID to equal values

<iframe id="frame1" name="frame1" src="any.html"></iframe>

so you will be able to use next code inside child page


Simply call window.frameElement from your framed page. If the page is not in a frame then frameElement will be null.

The other way (getting the window element inside a frame is less trivial) but for sake of completeness:

 * @param f, iframe or frame element
 * @return Window object inside the given frame
 * @effect will append f to document.body if f not yet part of the DOM
 * @see Window.frameElement
 * @usage myFrame.document = getFramedWindow(myFrame).document;
function getFramedWindow(f)
    if(f.parentNode == null)
        f = document.body.appendChild(f);
    var w = (f.contentWindow || f.contentDocument);
    if(w && w.nodeType && w.nodeType==9)
        w = (w.defaultView || w.parentWindow);
    return w;

I would recommend using the postMessage API.

In your iframe, call:

window.parent.postMessage({message: 'Hello world'}, 'http://localhost/');

In the page you're including the iframe you can listen for events like this:

window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
      if(event.origin === 'http://localhost/')
        alert('Received message: ' + event.data.message);
        alert('Origin not allowed!');

    }, false);

By the way, it is also possible to do calls to other windows, and not only iframes.

Read more about the postMessage API on John Resigs blog here

Old question, but I just had this same issue and found a way to get the iframe. It's simply a matter of iterating through the parent window's frames[] array and testing each frame's contentWindow against the window in which your code is running. Example:

var arrFrames = parent.document.getElementsByTagName("IFRAME");
for (var i = 0; i < arrFrames.length; i++) {
  if (arrFrames[i].contentWindow === window) alert("yay!");

Or, using jQuery:

parent.$("iframe").each(function(iel, el) {
  if(el.contentWindow === window) alert("got it");

This method saves assigning an ID to each iframe, which is good in your case as they are dynamically created. I couldn't find a more direct way, since you can't get the iframe element using window.parent - it goes straight to the parent window element (skipping the iframe). So looping through them seems the only way, unless you want to use IDs.