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How to access outer {{#each}} collection value in the nested loop



What is the standard way to access outer #each collection values in the loop? for example:

<template name="example">
  {{#each outerCollection}}
    {{#each innerCollection}}

Template.example.aaa = function(){
  // cannot access outerCollection values

in above Template.example.aaa, this points to the inner collection.

I cannot find way to access outerCollection items. My solution is like below, I am defining my own helper function. Is it a standard Meteor way to achieve this purpose?

<template name="example">
  {{#each outerCollection}}
    {{#each innerCollection}}
      <td>{{myHelper ../outerItem innerItem}}</td>

Handlebars.registerHelper('myHelper', function (outItem, inItem) {
  // can access outerCollection via outerItem

I found a similar question for the case of inner event handler access.

like image 762
hyde Avatar asked Dec 03 '12 16:12


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2 Answers

You can use below code to fetch outer collections.

suppose you have collection called as Collection.Customer and Collection.RechargePlan and you are using both in a template for updating Customer.

Customer = {"name":"James", "rechargeplan":"monthly"};
RechargePlan = [{"rechargeplan": "monthly"},{"rechargeplan": "yearly"}];

 //Inside template, Bydefault Customer is available.
{{#each RechargePlan}}
  {{#if equals ../rechargeplan rechargeplan}}
      //Hurray Plan matches

In above code, ../rechargeplan is actually Customer.rechargeplan, ../ actually went one step above heirarchy and then accessed the field if available, since Customer is already available to template, it's field is picked up.

like image 25
Ankur Soni Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10

Ankur Soni

I think you've answered this yourself! Using ../ is documented in https://github.com/meteor/meteor/wiki/Handlebars.

like image 180
David Glasser Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10

David Glasser