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How to access CookieContainer in HTTPClient instance created via HTTPClientFactory

In an ASP.NET Core 2.2 web API, I want to be able to access CookieContainer from a named HttpClient and not sure how to configure this.

In Startup.cs:

            .ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(() => new HttpClientHandler
                UseProxy = false,
                //CookieContainer = ???

In controller:

public MyController(IOptions<IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory)
   _httpClientFactory = httpClientFactory;

public async Task<ObjectResult> Get<T>(string endpoint)
   var httpClient = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient("MyClient");
   var response = await httpClient.GetAsync($"{Settings.Url}/{endpoint}");
   //httpClient.CookieContainer ???

It's pretty straight forward while using just an instance of HttpClient and associating a CookieContainer with its MessageHandler, e.g.:

var cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
var handler = new HttpClientHandler() { CookieContainer = cookieContainer };
var client = new HttpClient(handler) { BaseAddress = "http://foo.com/api"}
var result = await client.PostAsync("", content);
//read response cookies
var cookies = cookieContainer.GetCookies(new Uri("http://foo.com/api"));

Wondering how I can read response cookies but via an instance of HttpClient created using IHttpClientFactory.

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Lev Avatar asked Jul 03 '19 22:07


People also ask

What is difference between HttpClient and HttpClientFactory?

It has a method CreateClient which returns the HttpClient Object. But in reality, HttpClient is just a wrapper, for HttpMessageHandler. HttpClientFactory manages the lifetime of HttpMessageHandelr, which is actually a HttpClientHandler who does the real work under the hood.

Does HttpClientFactory reuse HttpClient?

Therefore, HttpClient is intended to be instantiated once and reused throughout the life of an application. Instantiating an HttpClient class for every request will exhaust the number of sockets available under heavy loads.

How do I register IHttpClientFactory in .NET core?

Register an IHttpClientFactory instance in ASP.NET Core You can register an instance of type IHttpClientFactory in the ConfigureServices method of the Startup class by calling the AddHttpClient extension method on the IServiceCollection instance as shown in the code snippet given below.

What is ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler?

ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(IHttpClientBuilder, Func<IServiceProvider,HttpMessageHandler>) Adds a delegate that will be used to configure the primary HttpMessageHandler for a named HttpClient.

1 Answers

That's not CookieContainer instance, but you can access raw cookies in response header:

var cookies = response.Headers.GetValues("Set-Cookie");

And you can try to call your request in the browser with open Mozilla dev tool to see if it is truly there.

Mozilla Developer tools

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Sviatoslav V. Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10

Sviatoslav V.