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How to access Cloud SQL from Google Colab

I have a Google Cloud SQL instance with a public IP, only accessible to whitelisted IP and through an SSL connection.

I'd like to know how I can connect to this database from Google Colab with Python.

If I try to connect like any external application, the connection is refused since the ip of the "client" is not whitelisted (and I can't whitelist it since I don't it and it's highly probable it's volatile)

Is there a shortcut, like with Google App Engine to connect to the database using its instance and a google client?


like image 624
Patrick M. Avatar asked Nov 06 '18 21:11

Patrick M.

People also ask

How do I access Google Cloud SQL?

In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud SQL Instances page. To open the Overview page of an instance, click the instance name. Select Connections from the SQL navigation menu. In the Authorized networks section, click Add network and enter the IP address of the machine where the client is installed.

Does SQL work on Google Colab?

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system commonly used in enterprise deployments. Groups that use Google Colab to build, share, and comment on machine learning projects need access to SQL Server and other databases.

1 Answers

A little late to answer, but I think I have a solution and it involved using the Cloud SQL Proxy. Overall, you first need to use the Gcloud SDK (included with Colab) to authenticate, then install the proxy, then spin it up. I did this in two blocks

# gcloud login and check the DB
!gcloud auth login
!gcloud config set project [YOUR PROJECT ID]
!gcloud sql instances describe [YOUR CLOUDSQL INSTANCE ID]

This last line will output a dump of info and we want connectionName in particular. The next block then downloads the proxy and tells it to proxy for that CloudSQL instance:

# download and initialize the psql proxy
!wget https://dl.google.com/cloudsql/cloud_sql_proxy.linux.amd64 -O cloud_sql_proxy
!chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy
# "connectionName" is from the previous block
!nohup ./cloud_sql_proxy -instances="[connectionName]"=tcp:5432 &
!sleep 30s

Later on you can (and I've found it helpful) to check the proxy's logs with

!cat nohup.out

And finally, you can construct a connection with the address (or whatever port you set above. I did so with psycopg2 like this

conn = psycopg2.connect(
    host='', port='5432', database=[YOUR DB NAME],
    user=[USERNAME], password=[PASSWORD])

It seems to work, though it's definitely a bit slower than a direct connection.

like image 181
Andrew F Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 07:10

Andrew F