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How to access Android Lollipop DocumentFile files via NDK?

How is it possible to access files which are generated from a DocumentFile in Android KitKat/Lollipop in Native JNI Code, so I can use fopen, fread, etc. I'm particular asking this to access the external SD-Card files via the NDK.

like image 783
TSGames Avatar asked Jun 02 '15 10:06


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1 Answers

You can use file descriptors:

ParcelFileDescriptor filePfd;
DocumentFile file;
filePfd = getContentResolver().openFileDescriptor(file.getUri(), "w");
int fd = filePfd.getFd();

This int fd can be passed to JNI and used as usual C++ file descriptor:

FILE* file = NULL;
file = fdopen(fd, "r+b");

And you need permission to access to file or directory on SD-card

like image 145
Maxim Metelskiy Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

Maxim Metelskiy