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how to Abort/exit/stop/terminate in laravel console command using code

Let's say I'm coding a command. How would I stop it completely in the middle of it running?


public function handle()
    if (!$this->good_times) {
        $this->error('Bad times');

    // continue command stuff

I have tried:

throw new RuntimeException('Bad times');

But that dumps a bunch of ugliness in the terminal.

like image 679
stardust4891 Avatar asked Nov 30 '18 11:11


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To create a new artisan command, we can use the make:command artisan command. This command will make a new command class within the app/Console/Commands catalog. In case the directory does not exist in our laravel project, it'll be automatically made the primary time we run the artisan make:command command.

1 Answers

Just use a return statement instead of throwing an exception. Like...

public function handle()
    if (!$this->good_times) {
        $this->error('Bad times');
        // $this->exit();
        // throw new RuntimeException('Bad times');

    // ...
like image 190
bmatovu Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10
