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How this type annotation works, and why the other one does not?



Please explain the magic behind drawShape function. 1) Why it works at all -- I mean how it calls the Draw member, 2) why it needs to be inline?

type Triangle() =
    member x.Draw() = printfn "Drawing triangle"

type Rectangle() =
    member x.Draw() = printfn "Drawing rectangle"

let inline drawShape (shape : ^a) =
    (^a : (member Draw : unit->unit) shape)

let triangle = Triangle()
let rect = Rectangle()

drawShape triangle
drawShape rect

And the next issue is -- is it possible to write drawShape function using parameter type annotation like below? I found that it has exactly the same signature as the first one, but I'm unable to complete the body.

let inline drawShape2 (shape : ^a when ^a : (member Draw : unit->unit)) =

Thanks in advance.

like image 592
Endrju Avatar asked May 18 '15 13:05


People also ask

What are the types of annotations?

What Are Type Annotations? Type annotations — also known as type signatures — are used to indicate the datatypes of variables and input/outputs of functions and methods. In many languages, datatypes are explicitly stated. In these languages, if you don't declare your datatype — the code will not run.

How do you annotate a type in Python?

To annotate return value type, add -> immediately after closing the parameter parentheses, just before the function definition colon( : ): def announcement(language: str, version: float) -> str: ... The function now has type hints showing that it receives str and float arguments, and returns str .

What advantage does using type annotations in function definitions provide?

It allows the developer to effectively communicate expected argument types and return values with the interpreter (and other developers as well) while keeping the advantages of dynamic typing.

Should you use type annotations in Python?

Type hints work best in modern Pythons. Annotations were introduced in Python 3.0, and it's possible to use type comments in Python 2.7. Still, improvements like variable annotations and postponed evaluation of type hints mean that you'll have a better experience doing type checks using Python 3.6 or even Python 3.7.

1 Answers

This Voodoo-looking syntax is called "statically resolved type parameter". The idea is to ask the compiler to check that the type passed as generic argument has certain members on it (in your example - Draw).

Since CLR does not support such checks, they have to be done at compile time, which the F# compiler is happy to do for you, but it also comes with a price: because there is no CLR support, there is no way to compile such function to IL, which means that it has to be "duplicated" every time it's used with a new generic argument (this technique is also sometimes known as "monomorphisation"), and that's what the inline keyword is for.

As for the calling syntax: for some reason, just declaring the constraint on the parameter itself doesn't cut it. You need to declare it every time you actually reference the member:

// Error: "x" is unknown
let inline f (a: ^a when ^a: (member x: unit -> string)) = a.x() 

// Compiles fine
let inline f a = (^a: (member x: unit -> string)( a )) 

// Have to jump through the same hoop for every call
let inline f (a: ^a) (b: ^a) = 
  let x = (^a: (member x: unit -> string)( a ))
  let y = (^a: (member x: unit -> string)( b ))

// But can wrap it up if it becomes too messy
let inline f (a: ^a) (b: ^a) = 
  let callX t = (^a: (member x: unit -> string) t)
  (callX a) + (callX b)

// This constraint also implicitly carries over to anybody calling your function:
> let inline g x y = (f x y) + (f y x)
val inline g : x: ^a -> y: ^a -> string when  ^a : (member x :  ^a -> string)

// But only if those functions are also inline:
> let g x y = (f x y) + (f y x)
Script.fsx(49,14): error FS0332: Could not resolve the ambiguity inherent in the use of the operator 'x' at or near this program point. Consider using type annotations to resolve the ambiguity.
like image 180
Fyodor Soikin Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09

Fyodor Soikin