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Set a property on ViewBag dynamic object in F#

I have this action method in C#:

  public ActionResult Index() {
      ViewBag.Message = "Hello";
      return View();

And this view (Index.cshtml):


And this produces the expected "Hello" on the page.

I want to do the controller in F#. I've tried

type MainController() =
  inherit Controller()
  member x.Index() =
    x.ViewBag?Message <- "Hello"

And this produces the error message "Method or object constructor 'op_DynamicAssignment' not found".

I've looked at some of the F# code samples for the dynamic operator, and I can't see anything that's shorter than several pages of description and many lines of code. They seem to be too general for just this property "setter".

like image 951
Stephen Hosking Avatar asked Nov 16 '11 09:11

Stephen Hosking

2 Answers

The ViewBag property is just a wrapper that exposes the ViewData collection as a property of type dynamic, so that it can be accessed dynamically from C# (using property set syntax). You could use implementation of ? based on DLR to do that (see this discussion at SO), but it is easier to define ? operator that adds data directly to ViewDataDictionary (which is exposed by the ViewData property):

let (?<-) (viewData:ViewDataDictionary) (name:string) (value:'T) =
  viewData.Add(name, box value)

Then you should be able to write

x.ViewData?Message <- "Hello"
like image 178
Tomas Petricek Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

Tomas Petricek

Instead of

x?ViewBag <- "Hello"


x.ViewBag?Message  <- "Hello"
like image 44
Ankur Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09
