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How should I use Numpy's vstack method?




Firstly, here is the relevant part of the code:

stokes_list = np.zeros(shape=(numrows,1024)) # 'numrows' defined earlier
for i in range(numrows):
    epoch_name = y['filename'][i] # 'y' is an array from earlier
    os.system('pdv -t {0} > temp.txt '.format(epoch_name)) # 'pdv' is a command from another piece of software - here I copy the output into a temporary file
    stokes_line = np.genfromtxt('temp.txt', usecols=3, dtype=[('stokesI','float')], skip_header=1)
    stokes_list = np.vstack((stokes_line,stokes_line))

So, basically, every time the code loops around, stokes_line pulls one of the columns (4th one) from the file temp.txt, and I want it to add a line to stokes_list each time.

For example, if the first stokes_line is

1.1 2.2 3.3  

and the second is

4.4 5.5 6.6  

then stokes_list will be

1.1 2.2 3.3  
4.4 5.5 6.6  

and will keep growing...

It's not working at the moment, because I think that the line:

stokes_list = np.vstack((stokes_line,stokes_line))

is not correct. It's only stacking 2 lists - which makes sense as I only have 2 arguments. I basically would like to know how I keep stacking again and again.

Any help would be very gratefully received!
If it is needed, here is an example of the format of the temp.txt file:

File: t091110_065921.SFTC Src: J1903+0925 Nsub: 1 Nch: 1 Npol: 4 Nbin: 1024 RMS: 0.00118753  
0 0 0 0.00148099 -0.00143755 0.000931365 -0.00296775  
0 0 1 0.000647476 -0.000896698 0.000171287 0.00218597  
0 0 2 0.000704697 -0.00052846 -0.000603842 -0.000868739  
0 0 3 0.000773361 -0.00234724 -0.0004112 0.00358033  
0 0 4 0.00101559 -0.000691062 0.000196023 -0.000163109  
0 0 5 -0.000220367 -0.000944024 0.000181002 -0.00268215  
0 0 6 0.000311783 0.00191545 -0.00143816 -0.00213856  
like image 635
user1551817 Avatar asked Sep 06 '12 11:09


People also ask

How do you use NP Vstack in Python?

vstack() function is used to stack the sequence of input arrays vertically to make a single array. Parameters : tup : [sequence of ndarrays] Tuple containing arrays to be stacked. The arrays must have the same shape along all but the first axis.

How does Vstack work in Python?

The vstack() function is used to stack arrays in sequence vertically (row wise). This is equivalent to concatenation along the first axis after 1-D arrays of shape (N,) have been reshaped to (1,N). The arrays must have the same shape along all but the first axis. 1-D arrays must have the same length.

What is the use of Vstack?

VSTACK returns the array formed by appending each of the array arguments in a row-wise fashion. The resulting array will be the following dimensions: Rows: the combined count of all the rows from each of the array arguments. Columns: The maximum of the column count from each of the array arguments.

What is Vstack and Hstack in NumPy?

NumPy hstack and NumPy vstack are similar in that they both combine NumPy arrays together. The major difference is that np. hstack combines NumPy arrays horizontally and np. vstack combines arrays vertically. Other than that though, the syntax and behavior is very similar.

2 Answers

vstacking again and again is not good, because it copies the whole arrays.

Create a normal Python list, .append to it and then pass it whole to np.vstack to create a new array once.

stokes_list = []
for i in xrange(numrows):
    stokes_line = ...

big_stokes = np.vstack(stokes_list)
like image 82
eumiro Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10


You already know the final size of the stokes_list array since you know numrows. So it seems you don't need to grow an array (which is very inefficient). You can simply assign the correct row at each iteration. Simply replace your last line by :

stokes_list[i] = stokes_line

By the way, about your non-working line I think you meant :

stokes_list = np.vstack((stokes_list, stokes_line))

where you're replacing stokes_list by its new value.

like image 11
Nicolas Barbey Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10

Nicolas Barbey