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How should I extend Injectable from another Injectable with many Injections in angular2?

Is it possible to do something like this? (cause I tried, and haven't succeed):

class A {
  constructor(private http: Http){ // <-- Injection in root class

class B extends A{
  bar() {
like image 741
karina Avatar asked Sep 12 '16 14:09


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1 Answers

Kind of - you have to make a super call to the constructor of your base class. Just pass down the needed dependencies:

class A {
  constructor(private http: Http){ // <-- Injection in root class

class B extends A{
  constructor(http: Http) {

  bar() {

See this discussion, why there is no way around it.

like image 172
rinukkusu Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 23:10
