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How should I be serving binary files (images / audio) from a RESTful api written in PHP?

I am planning a RESTful API and I am wondering the best way to serve files / bundles of files across the api.

I may be missing something, but as I see it my options are:

  1. Base64_encode the files and serve within the JSON response
  2. Provide links to files from within the JSON response.

I also need to bear in mind that some of these files need private and only served after successful authentication.

I have also looked at mod_xsendfile implementations briefly and wonder if this is a route I should be considering.

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Mark Kendall Avatar asked Jul 25 '14 13:07

Mark Kendall

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1 Answers

The world most used APIs like Facebook, Flickr and Instagram provide static links to the images.

If you provide your binary files encoded in base64 they will be heavier and it will require more CPU resources both on the server side and on the client side to encode/decode them.

The only case where there are benefits to bundle the files is if you want to send many very small files like icons.

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Jan Moritz Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09

Jan Moritz