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How set Response body in javax.ws.rs.core.Response

There is a REST API endpoint which needs to be implemented is used to get some information and send backend request to an another server and response which is coming from backend server has to set the to final response. My problem is how to set response body in javax.ws.rs.core.Response?

public Response getDeviceStats(@QueryParam("deviceType") String deviceType,
                               @QueryParam("deviceIdentifier") String deviceIdentifier,
                               @QueryParam("username") String user, @QueryParam("from") long from,
                               @QueryParam("to") long to) {

    // Trust own CA and all self-signed certs
    SSLContext sslcontext = null;
    try {
        sslcontext = SSLContexts.custom()
                .loadTrustMaterial(new File(getClientTrustStoretFilePath()), "password## Heading ##".toCharArray(),
                        new TrustSelfSignedStrategy())
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    } catch (KeyManagementException e) {
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
    } catch (CertificateException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    SSLConnectionSocketFactory sslsf = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(
            new String[] { "TLSv1" },
    CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.custom()
    HttpResponse response = null;
    try {
        HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(URL);
        httpget.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=");
        httpget.addHeader("content-type", "application/json");
        response = httpclient.execute(httpget);
        String message = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity(), "UTF-8");
    } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {


Here message is the one I need to set. But I tried several methods. Didn't work any of them.

like image 845
GPrathap Avatar asked Mar 22 '16 10:03


People also ask

How do you return a response in Java?

The Response class is an abstract class that contains three simple methods. The getEntity() method returns the Java object you want converted into an HTTP message body. The getStatus() method returns the HTTP response code. The getMetadata() method is a MultivaluedMap of response headers.

How do you create a response Object in Java?

Create a new ResponseBuilder for a created resource, set the location header using the supplied value. Create a new ResponseBuilder by performing a shallow copy of an existing Response. Return the response entity. Get metadata associated with the response as a map.

How do you get entity from response Object?

You can use: public abstract <T> T readEntity(Class<T> entityType) - Read the message entity input stream as an instance of specified Java type using a MessageBodyReader that supports mapping the message entity stream onto the requested type.

1 Answers

One of the following solutions should do the trick:

return Response.ok(entity).build();
return Response.ok().entity(entity).build();

For more details, have a look at Response and Response.ResponseBuilder classes documentation.

Tip: In the Response.ResponseBuilder API you might find some useful methods that allow you to add information related to cache, cookies and headers to the HTTP response.

like image 118
cassiomolin Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10
